#1 Turning & Hinging, Pelvis, Hip Joints & Adductors (18 min)
For this lesson you’ll need a chair or stool, ideally with a firm(ish) flat seat.
#2 Shoulder Mobility & Stability Using Weight of a Book (15 min)
For this lesson you’ll need a chair or stool, ideally with a firm(ish) flat seat and a few hard back books of different weights. One book is all you need, but nice if you have the choice to go heavier or lighter as you like.
Experiences from these JKA lessons:
"I feel more centered and enlivened!"
"My View was much higher"
"I could turn twice as far with no pain"
"More upright, and calmer"
"Less pain and more flexible"
"It was helpful for you to draw the connection with the inner thighs and the hinging over each leg, the learning from the previous movements felt more clear with you pointing that out"
"The pain in my right side of my back is gone. yay!"
"Delighted by how such simple and small movement frees up my body so much. Feel so much more open in my hips and whole back."
"Felt like I was waltzing! I can’t waltz!"
"I feel more easy, grace, oxygen-y!"
"more clear on preferences"
"Feeling more confident"
"More fluid walk easy stride. I felt more on top of myself, stable."
"Refining my awareness"
"fountain, blossoming"
"love your teaching style!"
"That was amazing"
"I love these simple but so effective movements."
"Thank you so much! Love your exuberant energy of joy!"
"My two sides became more balanced. You are a lovely teacher. Thank you : )"
"…an amazing medium for expansion in mind body spirit 🙏"
Share your experience in the comments below :)
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"This practice is putting people back on their feet again. Discovering a seemingly lost part of the body is like bringing life back. That is priceless and will effect every other thing one does from here on out. Especially because it LASTS!!!!!!! Can you believe that? It actually lasts." - Member
so interesting to notice the difference in weight over my sit bones